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Rising Damp Repairs at Cassia Lodge

Rising Damp Repairs at Cassia Lodge Hotel; Buziga
Waterproofing Works and Rising Damp Repairs

Client:  Cassia Lodge Hotel

Architectural Firm & Consultant: N/A

Site Location: Buziga, Kampala

Contract Period:  February 2022

TETRABUILD Services Limited was contracted to undertake rising damp repair works to hotel rooms, reception, and restaurant areas at Cassia Lodge Buziga.

The rising damp issues were treated using a combination of Dryzone cream (chemical DPC), Bituminous damp proofing (Insucoat), and Xypex waterproofing products (Concentrate and Admix).  The Insucoat was applied to brick wall surfaces while block walls and concrete columns were treated with Xypex concentrate. All repair mortars and plastered surfaces were treated with Xypex Admix (Waterproofing chemical) added to mortar.

The solution has since performed very well as we continue to monitor the walls on behalf of our client.

Project Photos

We Supply & Install

Gabions | Geotextiles | SIKA Waterproofing Products | Bituminous Paints | APP EPDM Membranes | BASF Waterproofing Products | Fiber Reinforcement | Guardrails | Geogrids | Steel Props | Scaffolding | Water Bars | Dryzone Rising Damp Cream | Geomembrane | Aluminium Partitions | Gypsum Ceilings | Carpentry Works