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+256 776 836552 ‎ +256 393 255027 Mon - Sat 08:00 - 17:00 PLOT 3B, KYAMBOGO DRIVE (NTINDA) tetrabuildug@gmail.com, office@tetrabuildug.com
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Waterproofing Works at Ndere Resort in Bulenga; Biira

Waterproofing Works to Ndere Resort in Bulenga; Biira
Waterproofing Works and Rising Damp Repairs

Client: Ndere Group Limited

Architectural Firm & Consultant: N/A

Site Location: Biira; Bulenga

Contract Period: July 2021

TETRABUILD Services Limited was contracted to undertake waterproofing works to this project. The structure was constructed from mostly local volcanic stone with minimal structural columns and brick walls.

The structure makes up Ndere Resort of Biira; Bulenga in Kampala along Fort Portal – Kasese road. The resort is part of a vast landscape belonging to the Ndere Cultural Group with a beautiful view of Kampala and the Fort Portal Highway.

The waterproofing works were undertaken using the APP Torch On membrane primed with a bituminous coating. The rising damp issues were treated using a combination of Dryzone cream (chemical DPC), Bituminous damp proofing (Insucoat), and Xypex waterproofing products (Concentrate and Admix).

The stone dome surfaces on one of the domes were plastered and later protected with APP Waterproofing Membrane. The stone dome surfaces were treated using Fosroc Nitocote SN522 WB from the exterior while the interior plastered surfaces were treated using Fosroc Nitocote CM210 an elastomeric cementitious waterproofing. The leaking joints between the stones were treated using Thioflex primer tubes.

All repair mortars and plastered surfaces were treated with Xypex Admix (Waterproofing chemical) added to the mortar.

Project Photos

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Gabions | Geotextiles | SIKA Waterproofing Products | Bituminous Paints | APP EPDM Membranes | BASF Waterproofing Products | Fiber Reinforcement | Guardrails | Geogrids | Steel Props | Scaffolding | Water Bars | Dryzone Rising Damp Cream | Geomembrane | Aluminium Partitions | Gypsum Ceilings | Carpentry Works